Helping People Achieve Positive Outcomes
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
| Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Trauma |
TF-CBT is a short-term therapy model focusing on youth ages 3-18 who have experienced traumatic stress. TF-CBT is an evidence-based practice that has shown positive results for the past 30 years to help children and adolescents recover after traumatic experiences.
Our TF-CBT Solution
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is a therapeutic intervention designed to help children, teens, and families overcome the impact of traumatic events. TF-CBT offers scientifically proven tools to:
Develop Coping skills related to a traumatic event.
Reduce emotional distress and trauma symptoms.
Process traumatic experiences.
Gain safety skills
TF-CBT serves children, teens, and families ages 3-18 years old who experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and trauma symptoms from a traumatic event.
Examples of Traumatic Events:
Physical, Emotional, or Sexual Abuse
Community Violence
Car Accidents
Traumatic Grief and Loss
Natural Disasters
And more!
TF-CBT typically lasts between 8-16 sessions. The sessions include:
Individual sessions for child or adolescent.
Individual sessions for caregivers.
Conjoint sessions between caregiver and child or adolescent.
Clients and Families improved more quickly than traditional treatment care.
Clients and Families had a shorter length of treatment compared to those receiving traditional care services.
Children and Families symptoms decreased quicker compared to traditional care services.
Clients and Families did not need as many additional services during treatment and the year following (e.g., counseling, case management, etc).
Clients and Families used fewer types of psychotropic medications.
Each child and caregiver will identify the "Top Challenges" they are currently facing.
Each child and caregiver will rate how severe the identified challenges are each week.
Each child and caregiver will answer questions about the challenges they typically face each week.
TF-CBT is accompanied by the Clinical Health Assessment Response Tracking System (CHART), a user-friendly, web-based program that tracks how children and families are responding to counseling.
Each week, whether families see their clinician or not, the child and caregivers will fill out a survey online through an email link or when they meet with their clinician.
The family and the Clinician can review the family's progress over time by looking at a convenient graph that shows:
The gains that have been made
The skills families and Clinicians have used.
The challenges that remain.
The family's Clinician will keep track of the tools and techniques that are used in counseling to track of child's hard work.
MATCH-ADTC is accompanied by the Clinical Health Assessment and Response Tracking system (CHART).
CHART is a user-friendly, web-based program that tracks how children, teens, and families are responding to counseling on a weekly basis.
CHART allows your therapist to continually adjust and refine the counseling program in real-time based on your family's progress.
Children and adolescents who have experienced a traumatic event can develop an intense fear regarding any reminders of the traumatic event. This fear may encourage the child to avoid any traumatic reminders and may not want to talk about what happened. The stressful state the child is in may develop symptoms such as:
Inability or unwillingness to recall trauma details
Difficulty stopping thoughts about the trauma
Emotional or physical numbing
Difficulty staying still or being fidgety
Rapid changes in mood
Sleep routine is disturbed (e.g., nightmares, not wanting to sleep alone, or waking up constantly)
Low self-esteem
Inability to trust others
Desire to hurt oneself or others
To make a referral, you may…
Call our main office at 321-972-4265
Complete our Referral Form by clicking “Sign Up for TF-CBT Therapy Here!”